aperitif  table  after dinner   by ingredient  sparkling  social  mead  fortified  country  liqueurs 
Alcohol contents are given as percentage, volume to volume, and acidity as tartaric acid equivalents, weight to volume. In all cases, the style of the bouquet should follow that defined for the flavour.

When a competition schedule specifies classes less precisely than the wine types (see list above), then more than one of these types might be acceptable in that class. For example, if the class is "White Dry" all white and dry wines, including dry sherry or vermouth, would be acceptable.

If the class is "Table White", white wines not necessarily dry must be considered, and after-dinner wines could be included in a sweet class.

Also there can be no objection to entering mead and its variants in competition wine classes where the character is appropriate, e.g. metheglin in aperitif classes, or sparkling mead in sparkling wine classes.

Click here for wine marking sheet, and 3-bottle wine class marking sheet.

Last updated: 29/04/10
Copyright: 2006 NGWBJ